Sometime in the future, on Mercury (Polunka). A man whose past has been erased. A woman searching for her memories. It is said that if you travel to the centre of a crater known as SAPA your dreams will come true. Pilgrims chasing their dreams or pursued by their crimes journey to the crater, along with man and a woman searching for the past... Fleeing from their pursuers they wander through the 2112 hour long night, singing the forbidden songs of Earth.
Release Date: 2020-10-28
Science Fiction
(1 votes)


Suzuho Makaze
as Obak
Madoka Hoshikaze
as Milena
Toa Serika
as Noah
Tsukasa Kotobuki
as Tarkoff
Natori Rei
as Supreme Leader 01
Makise Rui
as Taoka
Aya Yumeshiro
as Yelena
Kyou Misa
as Madam Curie

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