Soldiers of Freedom

The action of the epic film takes place in the second half of World War II. The plot focuses on the liberation of European countries from German occupation and the anti-fascist activities of the communist parties of these countries. After the victory at Stalingrad, a decisive turn occurred during the war. The main aim is the rallying of all patriotic forces, the creation of a national anti-fascist front in the struggling countries. The swift offensive of the Soviet troops, problems with the opening of a second front, major operations and the offensive of the Soviet army lead to the liberation of Europe. Rebellions are rising in different countries - such as the heroic uprising in Warsaw, in Slovenia, Bucharest and other cities. Brave heroes who performed immortal feats in the name of the happiness of mankind and freedom.
Last Episode Date: 1977-09-07
War & Politics
(8 votes)


Stefan Getzov
as Georgi Dimitrov
Bohumil Pastorek
as Klement Gottwald
Horst Preusker
as Wilhelm Pieck
Yakov Tripolsky
as Joseph Stalin
Lubomir Kabakchiyev
as Palmiro Togliatti
Boris Belov
as Maurice Thorez
Peter Stefanov
as Todor Zhivkov
Vladlen Davydov
as Konstantin Rokossovsky
Anton Gorchev
as Dobri Dzhurov
Ignacy Gogolewski
as Bolesław Bierut

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